Medical History Publications

  1. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “The Origin of Saint John’s Hospital, An Illustrated Research Manuscript,”
    self-published, Santa Monica, California, 2013.
  2. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “Southern California Lions Eye Institute at Saint John’s Hospital,”
    self-published, Santa Monica, California, 2010.
  3. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “Saint John’s Physicians Alumni Association, 10th Anniversary Commemoration,”
    self-published, Santa Monica, California, 1996-2006.
  4. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “History of the Bay Surgical Society (West Los Angeles), 1947 – 2010,”
    self-published, Pacific Palisades, California, 2011.
  5. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “Wadsworth Veterans Hospital, A Consequence of History, Origin of the Wadsworth VA Hospital, formerly Pacific Branch of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, aka Sawtelle Veterans Old Soldiers Home,”
    self-published, Pacific Palisades, California, 2011.
  6. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “Origin of the University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco; An Illustrated History,”
    self-published, Pacific Palisades, California, 2013.
  7. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “Biography of Lucy Marie Fields Wanzer, MD, first woman medical student of the University of California,”
    self-published, Pacific Palisades, California, 2013.
  8. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “University of California School of Medicine, 50th Reunion of the Class of 1963, Alumni Memory Book,”
    self-published, Pacific Palisades, California, 2013.
  9. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “History of Medicine In California, Articulated in Frescoes. The Story Behind the Murals of Cole and Toland Halls,”
    self-published, Pacific Palisades, California, 2013.
  10. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “Self-Guided Tour of Bernard Zakheim’s Artworks at UCSF,”
    self-published, Pacific Palisades, California, 2013.
  11. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “Bernard Zakheim, Polish American Artist of California,”
    self-published, Pacific Palisades, California, 2013.
  12. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “History, Science and Art of Ocular Prosthetics; Origin of Modern Ocular Prosthetics, A Retrospective Review of the Evolution and Ancient Spiritual Perceptions About the Eye,”
    self-published, 103 pages, Pacific Palisades, California, 2015, and UCSF School of Medicine, Kalmanovitz Library Special Collections and Archives, San Francisco, California.
  13. “Newsletters of the Alumni of the UCSF, School of Medicine, Class of 1963.”
  14. Article: Sherins, Robert S., MD, “Are You Psychologically Prepared To Retire,”
    Journal of Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, Vol 10, Number 1, pages 27-33, January 2001.
  15. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “I Am A Caucasian,”
    self-published, Pacific Palisades, California, 2015.
  16. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “Saint John’s Physicians Alumni Association, 20th Anniversary Commemorative 1997 - 2017.”
    self-published, Pacific Palisades, California, 2016.
  17. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “We Are Caucasians,”
    self-published, Pacific Palisades, California, August 2017.
  18. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “Our Family History. Affects of the Historical European Military Campaigns Of Genghis Khan, His Sons and Grandsons, The Mongol Kahns and Ilkans,”
    self-published, Pacific Palisades, California, October 2018.
  19. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “Jewish Exiles From Antiquity. The Influence Upon Our Ancestral Journey and Jewish Pluralism,”
    self-published, Pacific Palisades, California, November 2018.
  20. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “Ancestral Jewish Lithuania,”
    self-published, Pacific Palisades, California, March 2019.
  21. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “Training and Experiences of a U.S. Air Force Flight Surgeon,”
    self-published, Pacific Palisades, California, November 2019.
  22. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “Experiences Of An Air Force Flight Surgeon, Volume 2,”
    self-published, Pacific Palisades, California, March 2020.
  23. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “Illustrated Guide to the Toland Hall Frescos of the UCSF School Of Medicine,”
    self-published, Pacific Palisades, California, July 25, 2020.
  24. Sherins, Robert S., MD, “One Black Life Did Matter – Later On in Los Angeles. Biographical Summary of Bridget Biddy Mason,”
    self-published, Pacific Palisades, California, August 2020.